Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A Strange Day all around

Today has been a strange day all around. First off, after months of talking about it, my wife and I have made the day shift. I'm now the Morning-Get-Oliver-To-Day-Care guy and my wife is the Rescue-Oliver-From-Day-Care gal. So I got to sleep in a little bit today and tend to Oliver's morning needs. He didn't want a bottle and he didn't want food, so this may end up being a struggle, but we'll see. We ended up meeting my wife in this same manner that we had been meeting her in the afternoon - this time in the morning.

Then I took Oliver to day care. When we got there the downstairs door was wide open and the lights were flashing. Ummm not a good sign. I took Oliver to his room and his caregiver explained that the center had lost power when the storms hit and they would be open for a while, but at 1:00, they would have to send the kids home because it would be too warm. In the mean time if the power came on, they could keep the kids the full day. Okay... So I called my wife and we arranged for her to pick Oliver up from day care when the center had to shut down. It was just odd to leave him in such an obviously unsecure place. I mean I lived in Chicago and had to have a school day locked in the gym when Laurie Dann went psycho. That's the last thing I want to have going through my mind dropping my son off at day care.

Now I'm midway through a work day that's usually almost over by now. It shouldn't feel that way, but it does.


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