Thursday, September 08, 2005

Going to visit my parents

This weekend my wife and I are headed up to Chicago to visit with my parents. It will be a fun trip for us since we haven't seen my family since earlier this summer. We were supposed to go up in August, but between work commitments and travel schedules we never were able to make it up there. Oliver has changed so much since then that they will have fun seeing the changes. I have a hard time even remembering what he was like that long ago. Now he's crawling and sitting up and talking where then he was able to hold his head up.

My mother-in-law comes to watch him on Mondays and all of my wife's siblings live near by. So I know that he gets to see that side of the family as much as he could want. I'd like to see my family more often, but it has been difficult to be a good parent, a good homeowner, and a good son all at the same time. As much fun as it is to be at my parents house, Oliver doesn't have fun on the trip up. My wife and I have recently made a lot of headway into needed home improvement projects from reinstalling a ceiling fan in the kitchen to putting down a floor in Oliver's play room. That kind of headway would not have been possible if we had spent that time shuttling back and forth from the city. And I never said that I was a good person to begin with.


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