Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Breastfeeding language

My wife recently sent me a link to an article on The Language of Breastfeeding. I don't know why, but in this case I feel like adding a disclaimer to this post. Perhaps it is because some people might find it offensive. While I agree with the author's premise and politics, I had a hard time getting through the article. It has a very militant tone with regard to breastfeeding. The article describes a syntactical inversion of the langauge used to describe the difference between formula feeding and breastfeeding. But this particular inversion implies that formula feeders are substandard parents. Like I said, militant.

Personally, my philosophy on parental advice comes from one of the phrases that they use at the beginning of our La Leche group. Think of all of the advice as a smorgasbord. Take what works for you and your family and leave the rest behind. In this case, think of this article as a habenero pepper - strong, but not for everybody.


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