Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Need a new doc

Yesterday we took Oliver in for his 15 month checkup. We were shown to a waiting room relatively quickly. The nurse had us strip him for his measurements. After his measurements we waited in the room for the doctor to arrive. It was the smallest examination room we'd been in yet. I think it was a closet before they decided to make it into a couple of exam rooms. Oliver decided that he didn't like the room and kept crying to leave. And this from the World's Happiest Baby (tm). We couldn't interest him in singing or exploring the room or reading a book. He just wanted out. By the time the doctor arrived he was quite upset.

When the doctor came in, she asked to us about his development. But we had just been through this early in the morning with the women from parents-as-teachers so I had the summary off the top of my head. She asked about his sleeping and we replies that he nursed to sleep and would nurse back to sleep in the middle of the night. She said that we should stop doing that as the sugar from the milk could cause tooth decay! I asked about Oliver's poop. Apparently turds are abnormal and softer stools are the creme de la creme of childhood excrement. So bummer for me and hooray for Oliver. After she left, the shot nurse came in and Oliver got a chicken pox vaccination.

When I refer to the doctor as "the doctor," it's because I don't actually know what her name is. She's never introduced herself to us formally. The pediatrician that we had first met has moved on to a new practice and she got assigned to us. We don't feel comfortable with her and after her comments about night weaning Oliver for the sake of his teeth, we're in the market for a new pediatrician. Any suggestions?


Blogger BriteLady said...

We're happy to recommend our pediatrician. She has offices by 270 & St. Charles Rock road, and one in Chesterfield. Her partners all seem nice, also (good thing when you call for an emergency appt on a day she's off). I believe her comment about the nursing was "You can keep that going as long as you like."--she breastfed her own children :). If you want, we can probably find one of her cards on Wednesday.

4:23 PM  

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