Friday, March 10, 2006

In case you are wondering...

In case you are wondering what to buy me for... ummm... St. Patrick's Day, might I suggest looking here. This website lists some of a line of shocking toys. In each of them, the loser gets a mild electric shock.

I have the Lightning Reaction game. When the button in the middle is pressed it turns red and sounds a siren. When the noise stops and the button turns green, the last person to press the button gets shocked. If you press yours ahead of time, you get shocked. It doesn't get played a whole lot, but it is usually fun when it does. Or at least anyone who doesn't get shocked thinks it is fun.

Lightning Reaction is a great game but it lacks a certain level of skill. Sure, you can try and fake someone out, but in the end you are just waiting for the light to change and the noise to stop. That's why the next game I get (shortly before hell freezes over if I don't miss my guess) is going to be either the Shocking Tanks or the Shocking Lazer Tag.

The Tanks looks like a great game that harkens back to Combat on the old Atari. Except you are piloting your tank through a maze of books and pillows. You have a real incentive to win as you don't want to get shocked. The interesting thing would be building a maze that didn't create situtations where you have two tanks on either side of a right angle lying in wait for the other guy to dare poke his head out.

The Tag guns look like they would be fun. I've never played Lazer Tag, but I've gone paintballing. I have to imagine Shocking Lazer Tag would be a lot like that in that it hurts a bit if you get hit. But the batteries have to be cheaper than the paint. Lazer Tag would be a small step up in that you don't have to worry about a setting up a maze, but then there is the whole shooting a person thing.


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