Monday, March 13, 2006

Living the American dream?

I've been sending emails back and forth with a friend from high school who I haven't seen since high school. In the course of our conversation, she made a comment about me living the American dream. In my reply, I demurred, but it still got me thinking.

Professionally, I have a good job that, barring outsourcing, I'll be able to make a good living at for the foreseeable future. I have a good manager who listens to my point of view. I have some good co-workers who help me accomplish my projects. And I'm recognized for the value that I provide to the group.

Personally, I have a good marriage, a handsome son, a comfortable, affordable home, good friends, and my health. We live a comfortable existence in a safe place. I am in a good place emotionally and enjoy my life.

After thinking about all of this I came to the conclusion that my friend was right. Yet through all of it, I'm slightly unsatisfied. And I think that's a good thing because otherwise I wouldn't try to better my situation. And that's why I am living the American dream.


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