Monday, March 13, 2006

Weekend update

Friday night, my wife went out to the bookstore while I did some work around the house. She got home just in time as Oliver had woken up just before she got home. This was the start of a fun weekend that was surely a sign that Oliver was growing some teeth.

Saturday morning My wife took Oliver to Gymboree, and I got up early and went downtown for the St. Patrick's Day run. The run went really well. I took the first couple of miles easy and picked it up on the the last couple. My splits were something like (8:30, 9:00, 8:45, 8:45, 7:30) for an overall time of 42:30. The embarassing thing about the run is that I forgot where the finish was (16th street) and mentally counted down to where I thought it was (14th street). So the last couple of blocks were really hard to keep going. But I was thrilled with my time. My goal had been to break 50:00. This means that I'm in good shape for River to River. I just need to work on my hills some more.

My wife, Oliver, and I went for a walk when we got home. While we were out I remembered that I wanted to make some food for the neighbors down the street who I had seen in labor. After an unusually quick nap from Oliver, my wife headed up to see her parents. There was a hash later that day that I wanted to do so I skipped the trip.

The hash itself was a bit of a let down. There were only six of us that braved the gorgeous weather to come out. The group wasn't really up to run the trail, so we did a lot of walking. It was still good practice for me, but not as good as I would have liked. Regardless I had a good time talking with the hashers. After the hash, I skipped the on-after to get home.

Sunday morning, I grabbed Oliver for a trip to the store while my wife napped after a long teething inspired night of non-sleep and nipple chewing. Oliver and I made the Sweet Potato and Black Bean burritos for the family down the block. My wife woke up about the time it was time for Oliver to take a nap. It ended up being another short one. His teeth must have been killing him.

That afternoon, Oliver and I walked down the block to deliver them while my wife got some stuff done around the house. It was about as awkward as you can imagine. I don't really know them all that well, flubbed the introductions, didn't ask many of the usual questions, and didn't gush like I c/should have when she brought the baby to the door. All said, I felt good about having done it no matter how awkward it was.

Sunday night at dinner Oliver was pretty insistent about drinking out of my wife's cup. So we gave him his own cup to drink from. It was funny as he kept missing low and spilling it all over himself. Towards the end he started getting more in his mouth than on his front. After dinner Oliver had a bath and went to bed. We gave him some Tynenol to help him sleep, but he still woke up a couple of times at night.

This morning we had Angela, our parents-as-teachers person, come over to the house. It was a good visit as he seems to be on track in terms of all of his developmental areas. She gave us some things to do with him in terms of helping his language development.


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