Monday, May 22, 2006

Weekend update

Friday night, I met up with Paul, Sarahlynn, Ellie, Oliver, and my wife at Red Robin for dinner. We had a nice dinner where the kids were behaving themselves and we got to talk. After dinner, I passed a bunch of people protesting outside the Des Peres Theater. I successfully made my will save and didn't yell at them. I do think that it would be fun to protest the protesters some time. I really get that feeling when I pass the people protesting outside of Planned Parenthood every week.

My parents were supposed to call from the train when they passed Alton, but I didn't get the call until they were pulling into Union Station, so I was late picking them up. In the car on the way home I laid out my schedule. In the morning I'd run my race and then go running while they took Oliver to Gymboree. Then he'd nap and we'd hang out for a bit. Sunday they'd watch Oliver for a bit while my wife and I went to yoga, and then we'd hang out. And then Monday they'd hang out with Oliver while my wife worked and then I'd give them a ride to the train on Monday.

My plan worked like a charm on Saturday. I ran my race doing a SR (season record) 48:22. After the race I went home, got dried off, put Oliver in the car, pointed them in the right direction, and went off for my run. After we finished, we met up with them at Gymboree and walked up the street to go to Bread Co. We went home and put Oliver down for a nap (eventually). While he was napping, I got a call from a friend who wanted to go running on Sunday. We decided that 1:30 would work. We ran out to do some errands and then came home and grilled steaks. As Oliver was going down for the night I ran out to the store and bought the stuff I needed to make flourless raspberry torts. My father helped me make them and I had one before blearily drifting off to bed.

Sunday morning, I got up early to take care of Oliver. We had breakfast and went to the park. After the park, we came back home and found my wife up. We hung out for a while until my parents got up and soon it was time for yoga. My wife and I were able to go at the same time because my parents were here. It was a good, but exhausting class. When we were finished, we stopped at the grocery store for lunch. We brought it home and ate on the deck. After lunch, I got dressed and went running while my wife worked Oliver down for a nap (eventually). I went for a run with my friend and then got home. It took a little longer than I'd thought, but it was good. I hung out with my parents while we waited for Oliver to wake from his nap. After he woke up we went out to dinner at Fitz's. We sat outside and had a good dinner. After dinner we went home and let Oliver play for a bit before it was bed time. My wife and I worked him down to sleep. After he was sleeping my parents told us to go and get out and see a movie. We tried to get into the Da Vanci Code at the Galleria, but it sold out two people in front of us. Instead we saw United 93 at the Chesterfield Galaxy. It was a very good movie. Then it was home to bed. I was quite happy to go to bed as soon as we got home.


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