Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Google responses

"Myspace spam, myspace criticisms"
Myspace spam is the thing that most often sends traffic to my blog (besides the unfortunate gardeners who stumble onto it. Sorry guys, I'm of no help. I've got two brown thumbs). Myspace is somewhat unique in that there doesn't really seem to be a defined way to screen out spam. Don't get me wrong; I appreciate that nubile twenty-somethings want to get in touch with me. But semi-porn spam aside I haven't gotten anything else. There was a comedian who spammed me ahead of a visit to St. Louis, but that is borderline acceptable. It sure beats viagra spam or mortgage spam.

"Messy dads"
I'm not quite sure what this person was looking for, but they found me after my post on Messy Night. Other than how I normally dress, the only time I end up especially messy is when I try and help Oliver eat.

"freakanomics complaints"
On digestion I can see where there would be a lot of room for criticism and complaints about freakanomics. After all, the author says that Roe vs. Wade was a significant factor in the crime reduction that was seen across the country in the 1990s. But that is one way to read the data. I guess we will see if his interpretation is valid in twenty years as the Court starts to roll back protections on abortion.

"board game"
I've given my reviews of several board games. My favorites are still Settlers of Catan and Carcassone. Recently I've started to enjoy Through the Desert. It's sort of funny now, but you would really have to twist my arm to get me to play Monopoly or Risk. There are just too many better games out there to play.

"10K races in st. louis"
It looks like there are something like ten 10Ks in and around St. Louis this summer. I am aiming to participate in half of them. I just like the distance. It's not in the marathon class of distances, but it still requires some level of training. It's long enough to switch from anaerobic speed to aerobic speed. The other part of the attraction may be that they are somewhat infrequent becoming a good waypoint for my fitness over the course of the summer.

"green dress run hash"
I had a lot of fun at GDR this year. I'm sorry that I missed the festivities before and after the run, but as far as I can tell my liver thanks me for it.

"magic the gathering anonymous support group"
I appreciate that many players nicknamed MtG "card stock crack," but it really isn't addictive. I can stop. Really I can. Just let me open another booster.


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