Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Google responses

"Doesn't feed himself toddler"
I find that it's better not to eat toddlers - they give me gas. But if you wait until they are more of a kid, then they go really well with mint sauce.

Seriously, I know what boat you are in. When children are babies, it is just so much easier and cleaner to feed them yourself rather than let them try to feed themselves. But the problem is that the only way that they'll learn how to feed themselves is to try and fail and try again. There are a number of different ways to start feeding your children and to start them feeding themselves. You can feed them the bulk of their food first and then let them try the rest on their own. You can let them try to feed themselves first and then swoop in at the end to make sure that something went down. Or you can let them try to do it themselves while you try and feed them in between self-fed bites. I'm more of a try it yourself first kind of dad.

"Magic the Gathering Prerelease Dissension St. Louis"
Good luck to you, sir or madam. The site that you are looking for is Moy Events. If you are looking for a forum for St. Louis gamers, try Ogre's Cards.

"Puerto Rico Board Game"
I've only played Puerto Rico a couple of times and lost each time, so I wouldn't come here looking for strategy advice. I like the game, but I don't think it would end up in my top five as the game takes too long. And as the parent of a small child, I keep noticing how chokable all of the pieces are.

"still breastfeeding grown children, desperate housewives breastfeeding, breastfeeding mainstream movies"
I don't want to open old wounds so I'll leave this one alone after I say that the age at which a mother and her child decide to stop breastfeeding is a personal decision. They will choose whatever works best for their family. And it is OK if their choice is different from what you would pick.

As far as breastfeeding in mainstream movies, I can't think of it coming up very often. Meet the Fockers had a set of scenes about it (albeit with Grandpa wearing a synthetic breast). There is a scene in Look Who's Talking ("Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "Yeah, lunch!"). There's the Blue Lagoon. And ... And ... There just haven't been that many movies done about the after birth period. I can't say that it makes me particularly sad.

"criticisms of freakanomics"
I've addressed this a couple of times since my initial review of the book.

"myspace criticisms"
I've addressed some of my concerns with MySpace a couple of times since I joined.

"kill moss in sidewalk"
I occasionally get traffic that involves people wanting to do violent things to moss. But this request conjured a mental picture of someone fitting me for cement shoes.


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